Nail fungus is a common problem that anyone can face. Medicine offers both official and non-traditional folk remedies as a method of treatment. Among the latter, celandine is the most common. This plant, which is a weed, has pronounced antiseptic properties, which is clear from its name. Celandine is very effective against toenail fungus, but it is important to know how to use it properly.
Composition and useful properties of the plant
Useful properties of celandine due to its composition, which include:
- phytoncides with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties;
- chelidonine, which is an anesthetic and antipruritic agent;
- essential oils, organic acids and vitamin A which has a regenerative effect and heals wounds.
Whether it is possible to cure toenail fungus with celandine is a common question that worries all patients. In order to achieve the maximum effect, a number of conditions are needed. First, the fungus should not have an advanced stage, in the initial phase the chance of recovery with the help of therapy is approaching 100%, and if the disease lasts longer, then celandine can be used only as part of a complex therapy involving drugs.
Treatment of nail fungus with celandine is effective if used for prevention: to prevent recurrence of the disease or to consolidate the therapeutic effect obtained with the help of specially designed drugs.

Advantages and disadvantages of celandine treatment
Treating toenail fungus with celandine has many advantages, which allows the method to stay in the most popular position. First, celandine is available: the plant grows almost everywhere, it is easy to find, collect and apply for a particular recipe. If you wish, you can buy celandine in various forms at any pharmacy.
Celandine is a natural remedy, which can also be included in the list of its benefits. But for allergy sufferers, it can be a minus, because any herbal medicine is always a strong allergen. Before first use, celandine must be tested on a sensitive part of the body, such as the elbow.
Despite the fact that celandine-based nail fungus products are relatively safe, they contain the substance chelidonine, which is toxic. This property of helidonin helps in dealing with the fungus because it actually destroys it. But it can cause burns if applied externally or severe intoxication if taken internally. Therefore, it is not recommended to take products that contain celandine inside.
A conditional minus of celandine is the fact that any non-traditional therapy is usually used for self-medication. That is, before treating celandine nail fungus, the patient does not undergo a mandatory medical examination, which helps in choosing a more precise treatment.
Methods of celandine treatment
Due to the fact that celandine juice contains poison, you should not take risks and take it inside. Moreover, in the case of nail fungus, the treatment should be mostly external.
Therefore, when using celandine directly for application to nails affected by the fungus, the choice must be made before using a concentrated treatment agent and diluted juice in the form of containers.
That's right
There are many recipes for baths to which the medicinal plant is added in various forms. But if there are rules: first, the water temperature should be within 50 degrees, that is, neither hot nor cold. Secondly, the tool is not independent, after bathing the nails need to be treated with a different composition.
To prepare you need to take 4 tablespoons of celandine oil, 20 ml of tincture or an equal amount of decoction in a small water bath.
Bathing should be done twice a day, morning and evening, soaking your nails for at least half an hour.
Nail treatment
You can use pure plant juice for nail treatment. To do this, it needs to be cut out and squeezed through gauze. Soak a cotton pad in the juice, then wipe your nails twice a day.
Processing efficiency can be improved by adding other components to the celandine juice.
- Citrus juice, for example, half a lemon, creates an environment on the nails that is unfavorable for the life of fungi. It must be mixed with juice, and the nail mask should be made twice a day for half an hour. Instead of lemon juice, analogues can be used: treatment of nail fungus with vinegar and celandine is more popular than therapy with lemon juice.
- For processing, you can use celandine oil from nail fungus, prepared on your own or bought at a pharmacy. In order for the components of the product to better penetrate the nail plate, the nails must first be steamed in a bath with soap and soda. After that, the discs are moistened with oil, which is applied to the nails for half an hour 1-2 times a day. Therapy should be continued for at least 3 months until the affected nail has fully grown.
- Iodinol is an antiseptic that has antifungal properties. When mixed with celandine oil in a ratio of 1: 1, it allows you to create a very effective medicine. It is applied in the same way as oil: in the form of a coating on the nails after steaming. Iodinol can be bought in pharmacies. Iodine replacement is allowed if desired.
- Hydrogen peroxide in 3% solution helps to improve the penetration of oil into the nails. For the recipe you need to take both components in equal amounts and apply them on the nails after bathing. The treatment should be continued until the nail grows.
Whether it is possible to cure nail fungus with celandine does not depend on the choice of a particular recipe, but on the regularity of its use. If you treat your nails at least 2 times a day, the therapeutic effect will definitely be felt.
How to prepare celandine-based medicines?
Celandine in the form of finished drugs can be purchased at the pharmacy. But it is not difficult to make ointment, cream, balm or celandine oil from toenail fungus on your own. The main thing is to choose the right proportions and follow the technology of cooking.
The best recipes with celandine against nail fungus
It is recommended to use not one, but several means for treatment. That is, the fastest way to treat nail fungus with celandine at home is achieved not with the help of an integrated approach, and not with the help of one specific recipe.
Medicinal juice of celandine
Celandine juice should be used only freshly squeezed, without long storage. It is important to understand that the juice is very poisonous, so it is used as a means of cauterization, destroying fungal infections. When working with celandine, you must adhere to safety rules: wear protective gloves, and apply the juice with a cotton ball or stick.
The juice can be mixed with other components that destroy the fungus.
edible oil
Celandine-based oil is available in any pharmacy, but it is very easy to prepare at home according to the following recipe: mix any vegetable oil and dried celandine plant in approximately equal proportions and put to cook in a water bath for three hours. After the oil has cooled, which will happen after about 2-3 hours, the product is completely ready for use.
Store oil in a cool, dark place, such as a refrigerator.
Ointment with celandine juice
Celandine ointment can be used as a mask for nails affected by fungal infections. Unlike the recipe for the preparation of oil, the fat requires the use of fresh celandine from which the juice is squeezed. To speed up the cooking process, you can’t squeeze the juice, but simply grind the fresh plant in a blender. Thereafter, celandine is mixed with any fat in equal amounts and infused throughout the day. Rub the ointment once a day.
The cream has a similar therapeutic effect. Crushed celandine porridge is mixed with baby cream in a ratio of 1: 3 in favor of the cream, because the absorption of the cream is much higher than fat. The drug is administered three times a day. It can be used for both treatment and prevention.
Celandine tincture on alcohol
Tincture of celandine from toenail fungus on alcohol is made from fresh herbs, which is mixed with vodka in a ratio of 1: 2. The product is poured into a bottle and infused in a dark place for 12-14 days. After that it is necessary to take a few drops of tincture every day, mixing it with water. You must start the dose with 5 drops, gradually increasing to 20 drops. The duration of therapy should not exceed 2 weeks.
Wraps on celandine juice
Any of the described recipes can be used as a compress, apply a thick layer on the nails and leave for half an hour. Pre-nails need to be softened in the tub.
Decoction of celandine
Decoction of celandine can be used as a bath. For cooking it is necessary to take one and a half liters of boiling water and pour into it 5 tablespoons of dried herbs. After insisting the product for 15 minutes, it should be cooled.
Cold soup is diluted with an equal amount of hot water, in which you have to cook your feet for half an hour.
After that, the feet are wiped with a paper towel and treated with ointment.
Preparations and medicines based on celandine
Celandine can be found in pharmacies in any form:
- dry grass in bags;
- butter;
- juice.
Nail fungus balm is the most effective remedy, because the medicinal plant in the recipe is supplemented with other components that enhance its action. How to use nail fungus balm is described in detail on the package: the product is rubbed into the affected nails and you do not have to rinse it.
Use in children and pregnant women
Is it possible to treat nail fungus with celandine for all people or are there limitations - an urgent question that must be answered before starting treatment.
Three categories of patients should not use products containing celandine:
- children under 7 years;
- pregnant women;
- breastfeeding.
The latter category may use funds, but only externally and only under medical supervision.
Contraindications and possible damage from celandine
Like any effective drug, celandine has contraindications:
- preschool age;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- epilepsy;
- allergy;
- mental disorders;
- heart and blood vessel disease.
Side effects in patients who have no contraindications are extremely rare. Experts in alternative medicine recommend that you carefully consider the dose of the drug and the frequency of use. When used externally, there is a risk of skin irritation. And with internal use, signs of intoxication may develop: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, confusion.
With a sudden deterioration in well-being during treatment, you must call an ambulance and try to induce vomiting. There is no specific antidote for the poisonous substance of the plant, so gastric lavage and symptomatic therapy are used.
Preventive measures
You can prevent the development of the disease with any celandine-based medicine. But it is better to use less concentrated formulations to avoid side effects. For example, you can take 100 grams of dried plants, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. After that, the boiling water should be diluted with an equal amount of warm water and the decoction used as a foot bath.
The recipe should be applied every other day, ie about 3 times a week.
Reviews of celandine oil for nail fungus and other recipes can be found in large quantities, because the drug is very popular.
- Woman, 29 years old: "I came across nail fungus after visiting the sauna in the gym. As soon as I felt itching between my toes, I decided to start treatment. I don't believe in pharmaceuticals, I prefer to use everything natural. So I took a foot bath in the morningof celandine, and before going to bed - bath and ointment. The itch disappeared almost immediately, but I repeated the procedure for more than 2 months. Fortunately, the treatment of foot and nail fungus with celandine helped and a visit to the doctor was not necessary.
- Woman, 51 years old: "From time to time I get the fungus, I don't know what exactly it is related to. Celandine I use regularly, fortunately, can be found anywhere. I recently started buying ready-made tinctures at the pharmacy. But I prefer my recipes. "